Dr. Emily Bashah

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, November 2). How agency can help avoid political manipulation. Co-host on Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, October 8). Idealists are changing the world. Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, September 19). The power of the individual. Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Bashah, E. T. &Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, September 3). The truth of love and loneliness. Optimistic American Podcast, AZ. Johnson, P. E. (2022, September 19). The power of the individual. Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, August 6). When meaning is more important than happiness. Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, July 26). Learning to talk with those you don’t agree with makes you stronger! Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, July 16). Reclaiming your authentic self by letting go of addictive ideologies & negative perspectives. Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Bashah, E. T. & Johnson, P. E. (2022, July 11). The world and the US are better than you can imagine! Podcast on the Optimistic American, AZ.

Addictive Ideologies
In Addictive Ideologies, Dr. Emily Bashah, a clinical psychologist, and Paul Johnson, entrepreneur and former mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, offer a word of caution. Their belief— that today’s world of runaway identity politics, nationalism and cancel culture is setting the stage for a loss of individual agency and liberty—keenly shows why we can’t take democracy and civility for granted.Fortunately, it is still possible to learn from history and to regain one’s agency, self- empowerment, and life purpose.